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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

Year 1 and Year 2


My name is Mrs Stubbs and I am the class teacher in Class 2.  Mrs Kelly and Mrs Wooldridge are our Class TA's. Mrs Kelly works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Mrs Wooldridge works Thursday and Friday. Mrs Manning works in Class 2 Tuesday to Friday as a 1-1 TA. 

Below are some details about our school day and information about homework. 

School Day: 

Core subjects:

Phonics - Read Write Inc phonics in small groups, 4 x week.  This is taught by myself, Mrs Kelly or Mrs Wooldridge, Miss Doyle, Miss Hancock and Mrs Manning. 

English - Whole class English lesson with a focus on writing, 4 x week.

Maths - Whole class or in year groups, 4 x week.

Science - Monday afternoons

Foundation Subjects:

Tuesday - Miss Doyle teaches art and design or DT.

Wednesday - Music or singing.

Thursday - History or geography.  

Friday AM - RE and PSHE 

Friday PM - Computing  

PE is on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons.   


Reading packets will be sent home on Thursdays and collected on Tuesdays.  


We will send home the RWI storybook they have read that week in their phonics group, plus a RWI 'Book Bag Book' that is matched to their current colour band. It is important, especially for year 1 children, to re-read their book up to 3 times to support fluency and develop their comprehension. 

For more information and helpful hints for reading with your child at home, click here.  


Year 2 will have a spelling focus each week for the autumn term to prepare them for formally learning spellings. When ready, they will begin the RWI spelling scheme – this is normally in the spring term.  There will be no spelling tests this year. 

English and Maths:

The children will have a sheet of English and maths homework, linked to the skills we have been teaching in school.  

Maths fluency:

There will also be a fluency focus for each half term. This will be counting based for Y1 and times tables for Y2.  This is a skill that will need to be practised repeatedly and could have a huge impact on your child's mathematics in school. 

Autumn term 1:

Y1 - Counting on and back in 10s to 100

Y2 - The 10 x table 

Maths songs:

Below are some links to songs we have/will be using in class to support their times tables: 

Year 1 and Year 2: 

Counting from 20 -1  

Counting in 2s  

Counting in 5s  

Counting in 10s  

Year 2 only: 

Counting in 3s  




If you need anymore information, please do not hesitate to contact me on Class Dojo. 

Many thanks for your support so far, 

Mrs Stubbs 


Rachael Stubbs 

Class 2 Teacher