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Class 4

Welcome to Class 4!


Together, Miss Wilson and Miss Doyle teach Class 4 with the support of Mrs Skerritt, Miss Hancock, Miss Bartley and Miss Longworth. Class 4 is made up of amazing year 5 and 6 children who are superb role models for Bickerstaffe. 

In Class 4 not only do we focus on developing our academic learning, but we also want to help develop our children into global citizens who are ready to take the next step in their journey. We want to prepare our pupils and help them achieve their goals. 

We currently have PE on a Tuesday afternoon and go swimming on a Friday afternoon.


Homework is set Thursday to Thursday and a piece of maths and English work will be set.

Children are expected to read at least 3/4 times a week and sign their charts. 

Children are also set an optional topic homework each half term.

This Autumns topic homework is linked to the Tudors and attached below.


Autumn 1 

In English we are reading 'Queen of the Falls' and focusing on first person narratives.  For guided reading we are reading 'Cogheart'. We will complete activities linked to these stories. 

During our afternoon sessions here are the knowledge organisers for the half term.


In maths in class 4 we follow WRMs V3 mixed year group planning. We have a huge focus on arithmetic within maths.  






Miss Wilson

Class 4 Teacher

Miss Doyle

Class 4 Teacher